dear "Right"

Bravo !!!!!!!!!!!

Its a kind of courage!

The one who fears, or the one who doesn't have the courage to accept and to face situations, is not able to bring out the best form within oneself.

You started take up responsibility for situation that faced with, able to be FREE from worry ,tension, encumbrance, b4 you turning into pieces.

You are ready place yourself back into a leading site, you will then be in a position to learn and naturally you find progress at every step in your life. 

When we stuck in the mud, our mind is going towards all the way waste and negative, changes maybe bring out fear,danger,or all those uncertainly happenings... but the way of being SURVIVE, we have NO another choice!

Read my lips, NO another choice!  Besides Change!!

You are getting the commitment to growth, when u're able to covert ur understating into action, u're able to bring confidence in ur life, because of our new experience,  you are able to be open for further learning, life will becomes a wonderful journey of growth ...  your physical body, thus your soul.

Trust me, your action will creates true happiness, peaceful within and your self-worth establish ..... not only now, but under all circumstances through your life time.

Everything will be FINE.

we are always here, stand by you!



you said "i just hope that "blessings are not just for the ones who kneel", though this time i do think of God for his kind help."

God bless you, but remember that we don't have to ask God for power or blessings but have the right. B4 we perform any task we need to ask ourselves if God will like what we are doing. If our doings according to God's wishes,that means we are obedient. Such obedience will get us the inheritance of peace and happiness from God.


i respect my job, im not going to 搏搏下,

everything I sure if i have the confidence to hold b4 i go, so i pushed you so confirmed.
i can know all those 脈絡, whats going on....
"so everything will be fine" i repeated  many times.
you asked me more than one times, i still said: "yes, this is the only step, direct and effective".
tonight i  delivered u a far distance's blessing, hope u fine, fine, fine.
rocks will come out after the water recede, you start ur real life, although it seem a bit late, but i dont think so,
cos not everyone can live out their real ego through their life time.
all the best, 
i love you !!! 


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